Transcendental Meditation and consciousness

Transcendental Meditation and consciousness When we first learn Transcendental Meditation, we will experience a state of deep rest, silence or Bliss consciousness, this is also known as Pure Consciousness where all thought and creativity rises from. Albert Einstein referred to this state as the Unified Field or collective consciousness. It is the Mantra we useContinue reading “Transcendental Meditation and consciousness”

Real achievement with Transcendental Meditation – TM

Real achievement with Transcendental Meditation – TM With Transcendental Meditation (TM), we are neither going forward nor backwards, we are not trying to get anywhere or do anything. Real achievement with Transcendental Meditation is the awareness that we have arrived at our destination without effort, Experiencing Unity through our daily TM practice is a celebrationContinue reading “Real achievement with Transcendental Meditation – TM”