What is TM…?

"Let's keep it simple; because it is!"

In brief, Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a mantra based meditation which has its origins in Vedic Science dating back over 4000 years. Some people refer to TM as Vedic Meditation - they are both the same thing.


This main difference between TM and ‘mindfulness’ techniques is that with TM, we innocently think of our personal mantra, which is a vibration. This becomes more subtle as we meditate, our mind and body will naturally experience deep rest, which is deeper than sleep but yet we are still conscious. This is also known as ‘Transcendental Consciousness’ or ‘Transcendence’.


As a result, after we have meditated, we feel rejuvenated, clear headed and experience a more productive, easy and enjoyable day. This is because during our meditation, our mind on the surface level connects with the deepest level of ourself, it’s like a reunion every time we meditate; we experience that deep rest and pure existence.


As we go back into activity following meditation, a small part of that quality of ‘pure awareness’ stays with us, having a positive effect on ourselves and our environment. With Mindfulness, we adopt either a focussed, concentration technique or a guided visualisation technique for calming and relaxation. These techniques train the brain to be more aware of being in the present which is certainly beneficial for those affected by depression and anxiety.


With regular practice of TM, we become more mindful; we experience all the benefits of mindfulness and a lot more. TM allows us to experience deep rest and silence by transcending to the deepest level of consciousness.


All the more reason to learn, meditation provides a deep level of rest that some scientists believe is twice as deep as any kind of sleep.
Since teaching, I have taught many meditators some of whom have been company directors. After learning, they claim to feel stronger, more connected, energised and focused than ever before. They love it, so will you.
Whilst some meditations attempt to clear the mind, that would go against the whole effortless nature of Transcendental Meditation. Thoughts are good, there is no such thing as too many. For more information come to an intro talk or contact me personally today.
Firstly, all of the above come from great traditions and should be respected as such as they offer wonderful qualities in their own right. A key difference is that Vedic Meditation (and Transcendental Meditation) is effortless in technique when done correctly whereas Mindfulness requires effort in the form of attention awareness to achieve best results.
In order to reap the benefits of this mediation you need to be as comfortable as possible. So, sitting in chairs is not only completely fine but recommended if you struggle with positure; the aim is to heal not hurt.
Just 20 minutes twice a day is recommended.
Some will notice subtle differences straight away, with others, the changes maybe more or less obvious initially. Providing you are committed and are taught correctly you will be benefiting within a few sessions.
Yes. People of all backgrounds, ages and abilities have learnt to meditate.
Many that already meditate have reaped benefits of TM as it has given them a closer, deeper connection to their own beliefs.
Whilst I was an independent teacher of Transcendental Meditation with the Meditation Trust in the past, I am not and never have been connected to the Maharishi Foundation. Though I wish them the best in all that they do as they have some wonderful teachers on board.

For more information, please contact me regarding my next intro talk...